Happy Mother’s Day to all of the fantastic mother figures out there! This Mother’s Day, we celebrate the strong women of Chester County and strong women worldwide! Here at Habitat for Humanity of Chester County, 65% of our homeowner families are led by single mothers and 53% of those single-parent families are led by minority women. Our personal mission is to provide affordable housing to everyone in our community. We are so blessed to help strong women in Chester County achieve stability and comfort through affordable homeownership for themselves and their children.
In honor of Mother’s Day, we want to highlight the following strong women in our community:

Jessica, Chester County homeowner.
"Owning our own home has been a game changer in many ways for our family. Everything from having the room that we need as a family of four to knowing we have a safe, clean space that is ours. It brings a sense of pride to know that we have something to call our own. It also brings a feeling of security knowing we live in a community of people who feel the same way," says Jessica Weatherby.

Shannon, Chester County homeowner.
"When I found out that I had qualified for a home, I couldn’t really believe it. I had recently had a lot of downfalls, including cancer and messing up my credit. I didn’t think I’d ever get back on my feet, let alone finally have a house of my own that I could afford as a single mom.
I want my kids to learn and realize that it is never too late to make things possible, no matter what it may be and what you have been through."

Kim, Chester County homeowner.
"When I and my children discovered that we were approved for the program, it brought joy and happy smiles to our home. We instantly started planning things for our future; I look forward to my kid's reactions when this all comes together. Our dream is to own a home; my children will be forever grateful for the process."

Lynette, Chester County homeowner.
Lynette is moving into her own safe, affordable home after a long journey of obstacles. She has battled personal health issues, worked full-time, raised three kids, and put in over 200 hours of sweat equity. It was a proud day to hand her the keys to her home.

Janet, Chester County homeowner.
“I am most looking forward to seeing my son's reaction when I get the chance to show him our forever home. I am hoping to make it a surprise! This experience will allow me to appreciate the home building process and hard work. It also reminds me of my hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I am forever grateful."

Ningina, Chester County homeowner.
“When I got the news that my family was fully qualified for the program, it was many emotions and a relief that I could give my family a new place to call us forever home.
During this process, I want to push myself to accomplish my goals of becoming a homeowner and test new limits within myself."

Jen, Chester County homeowner.
"Before knowing about Habitat, I felt very stuck. I can't afford the average cost of living, let alone a mortgage, and Section 8 has no comfortable places, but I always wanted better for my kids.
The accomplishment will be rewarding when I have the keys in hand. I cannot wait to show my kids their new home, where they will be raised until they're grown while creating memories that will last a lifetime."

Linda, Chester County homeowner.
Linda dreamed of buying her own home, but she could not find anything in her price range. She and her daughter had no choice but to share a bedroom in her mother's small, one-bathroom home with five other people. Linda thought she would never have the opportunity to buy a place of her own until a friend told her about Habitat.

Melody, Chester County homeowner.
Melody is a divorced, single mom. She's proud to show her son that no matter what, hard work and commitment will help you reach your goals.

Katie, Chester County Homeowner.
Katie was raised by a single mom. They moved around a lot. Although she wouldn't change her upbringing, she's always wanted to find a safe, stable place of her own. Having this home will also give her the ability to "switch roles" when the time comes and be able to take care of her mother.

Jessica, Chester County homeowner.
After dealing with a bad marriage and health complications after pregnancy, Jennifer packed up her belongings, put her son in the car, and drove home to PA to live with her mom. "I wanted to be able to provide for myself and my son. I am a single mother and receive no support. I am finally in a better spot physically, mentally, and financially and I am so thankful to Habitat for this opportunity. Through this journey, I want my son to learn the importance of giving and helping others. I also want my son to know that hard work will help you achieve your dreams."
Homeownership is beautiful, and many families in our community just need a hand-up to succeed. This Mother’s Day, consider donating to our cause here in Chester County to honor the special women in your life.
Women Build 2023
Are you interested in building with us this year? We are hosting two Women Builds in 2023! In the past, our Women Build crews have included women of all ages, from their teens to well into their retirement years. Volunteers will work alongside our experienced construction crew; no previous construction experience is required. The atmosphere is collaborative and friendly! We welcome all!
The first Women Build on June 6th, 2023, is already full, but there is still time to sign up for our event on September 26th!
Date: Tuesday, June 6th (Full) and September 26th
Time: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Location: TBD (West Grove or Coatesville)
Contact Betsy Niedziejko at BNiedziejko@wsfsbank.com for more information!
For more information on team builds or our mission at Habitat for Humanity of Chester County, visit our website. Affordable homeownership is more important now than ever! We believe in a world where everyone has a quality place to live. A safe, affordable home allows families and individuals to care for themselves and build strong futures.