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Hops for Homes Beer Festival 2023

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival

Thank you to all of the integral members who made our second annual Hops for Homes beer festival a huge success! We couldn’t have done it without the help of our sponsors, staff members, volunteers, participating breweries, wineries, cideries, distilleries, food trucks, local vendors, and more! This year’s event was a huge success, raising over $28,000 for Chester County's affordable housing. Thanks to you, families in our community who just need a hand-up to succeed can access an affordable and decent place to live and raise a family. Your support provides bright futures in Chester County and a domino effect of economic impacts. Thank you for your help.

Building A Thirst Beer Books

branded glasses with beer habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival

If you didn't have the chance to buy a Building A Thirst Beer Book at the event, they are now available for purchase on our website!

This book features free pour coupons at over 20 of the local breweries that attended our event! All proceeds go towards the construction and renovation of affordable homes in Chester County.


A special thanks to our corporate sponsors: The Exton Region Chamber of Commerce, Kreischer Miller, Tri-M Group, Bentley Systems, Signature HVAC, Merrill Lynch Ted Zobain, D’Antonio Automotive, Moyer Indoor Outdoor, Brandywine Digital, and RE/MAX.

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival sponsors sponsors: The Exton Region Chamber of Commerce, Kreischer Miller, Tri-M Group, Bentley Systems, Signature HVAC, Merrill Lynch Ted Zobain, D’Antonio Automotive, Moyer Indoor Outdoor, Brandywine Digital, and RE/MAX.

Breweries, Cideries, Distilleries, Wineries

Thank you to the many breweries, cideries, distilleries, and wineries that joined us at the event!

  • Be Here Brewing Company

  • Braeloch Brewing Company

  • Old Stone Cider

  • Conshohocken Brewing Company

  • VK Brewing Co. and Eatery

  • Stolen Sun Brewing Company

  • Rebel Seed Cidery

  • Rebel Hill Brewing Company

  • Tuned Up Brewing Company

  • Levante Brewing Company

  • Wrong Crowd Brewing Company

  • Locust Lane Brewing Company

  • Levante Brewing Company

  • La Cabra Brewing Company

  • Imprint Beer Company

  • Suburban Brewing Company

  • Stolen Sun Brewing Company

  • Blondes and Brewnettes

  • Animated Brewing Company

  • Deer Creek Malthouse

  • Hares Hill Brewing Company

  • Brothers Kershner Brewing Company

  • Pennsylvania Distilling Company

  • Von C Brewing Company

  • Well Crafted Brewing Company

  • Artillery Brewing Company

  • New Ridge Brewing Company

  • Harvest Ridge Winery

  • Epicurean Garage

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival brothers kershner, vk brewing, hares hill brewing co, suburban brewing company, conshohocken brewing company, old stone cider, braeloch brewing, rebel hill brewing company sponsors

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival sponsors: imprint beer co, rebel seed cidery, locust lane brewing, levante brewing co, stolen sun, be here brewing, la cabra brewing, wrong crowd brewing company

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival sponsrs: deer creek malthouse, blondes and brewnettes, tuned up brewing, pa distillers, con v, well crafted, artillery brewing company, new ridge brewing company

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival winery sponsors harvest ridge winery and epicurean garage

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival pretzel necklace contest

Pretzel Necklace Contest

This year we hosted a pretzel necklace contest in which contestants got creative with elaborate necklace designs made from snacks. This contest was sponsored by The Exton Region Chamber of Commerce. Check out these necklace creations!

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival corn hole contest

Corn Hole Contest

This year we also had a corn-hole contest sponsored by the Tri-M Group! The first-place winner was Reece Kiesling (pictured here).

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival voodoo deville band

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival voodoo deville band

Voodoo DeVille Band

Thank you to the Voodoo DeVille band that joined us at the event! Festival-goers enjoyed listening to their favorite swing, blues, boogie, and rock and roll. Check out their website here to see where they are playing next.

Local Vendors

This year we were joined by ten local vendors featuring hand-made crafts, candles, jewelry, home decor, makeup, cookie dough, and more for event attendees to browse and purchase. Thank you to these local vendors:

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival local vendors

  • LoveLeigh Craft Company

  • Dough Sweet

  • Willow Moon

  • Whimsical Wonders by Kris

  • Page’s Cake Corner

  • Wine by the Glass

  • Farmasi

  • Got Chocolate Inc.

  • Frank’s Fine Swine and Beef

  • Vintage Chicken

  • Designs by Jenna Leigh

Food Trucks

habitat for humanity of chester county hfhcc hops for homes beer festival food truck on the roll

Thank you to the food trucks who joined us at the event, On The Roll Kitchen, and Natalie’s Catering. These vendors provided delicious food to our event attendees to pair with their beer tastings.

Hops for Homes 2023 was a huge success! To view photos of the event, click here. To stay in the know about our upcoming events, such as our annual golf outing, and ways to get involved with Habitat, you can subscribe to our weekly email newsletter here. You can also sign up to receive updates via SMS text:

Text "HabitatCC" to +16105462970 or click here.

For ReStore updates, text "ReStore" to +16109812386 or click here.


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