Do you live or work in Chester County?
Do you have a need for decent, affordable housing?
Are you able to pay a 0% interest mortgage?
On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 6 PM, Habitat will be holding an orientation for those interested in homeownership. We are looking for three homeowners for single family homes in Coatesville. These homeowners will move in to their homes in 2019. The meeting will take place at Habitat’s administrative offices at 1847 East Lincoln Highway (Business 30), Coatesville.
Applications will only be handed out at the end of this annual orientation, so it is mandatory to attend if you wish to become a Habitat homeowner in 2018/2019. The meeting will take less than thirty minutes, but there will be plenty of time at the end for questions. Space is limited and mostly standing room, so please leave your children at home.
Walk-ins are welcome, but RSVP-ing is preferred for head-counting purposes. (Due to volume, you will not receive a call back confirming that we received your RSVP.) Please click here to RSVP.
If you have questions regarding the homeownership program, please see our information page, but please keep in mind that Habitat homes are not free and you must live or work in Chester County. In order to financially qualify, you must meet a minimum income requirement based upon your family size so you can afford a 0% interest mortgage.Family SizeMinimum Annual Income2$35,0003$39,3504$43,7005$47,2006$50,700
